Sustainability report 2023

See here how in 2023, we worked on a system to collect plastic waste from our customers and then make new waste bags from this collected plastic.

Stichting Vierdaagsefeesten Nijmegen

VBW, Vereniging Bloemist Winkeliers

Packaging Chair

Plastic Pact NL

NVC, Nederlands Verpakkingscentrum

MVO Nederland

Circular Plastics Alliance

KIDV community of practice

In 2023, Paardekooper's Horti division signed the Horti Sustainable Packaging Initiative (HSPI).
As part of this initiative, ten packaging producers and suppliers in the floriculture industry are working together to make flower and plant packaging more sustainable.

Through intensive collaboration, we aim to accelerate the transition to more environmentally friendly packaging. In this way, we want to make an active contribution to a sustainable future of the floriculture sector and a healthy living environment. The initiative focuses on three themes: chain transparency and certification, circularity in materials and packaging, and life cycle assessments.

Horti Sustainable Packaging Initiative

In 2023, Paardekooper entered into a partnership with NL Schoon, part of Verpact. In this partnership, we demonstrate how we work to prevent litter and encourage others to do the same.

We also attended the campaign day in which people were encouraged to bring their own tray or cup for take-away food and drinks, for example.

F.l.t.r. Thea van Unen en Susan van Kruijsbergen (Paardekooper), Eva Amsterdam (Coca-Cola in Nederland), Hilde van der Vegt (Zero Waste Nederland), Jord Van Wassenhove (PepsiCo), Staatssecretaris Vivianne Heijnen, Niels-Olaf Bout (The Wave), Directeur a.i. Nederland Schoon Ingrid Goethart, Eveline Graus (Heineken), Ika van de Pas (Milieu Centraal), Dennis van Dalfsen (Domino’s), Directeur Afvalfonds Verpakkingen Hester Klein Lankhorst.

A nice example of a newly introduced plastic-free item is the Go!Mealbox

This meal packaging is made of paper and designed with recycling in mind. The inner layer is removable, keeping the cardboard part of the packaging clean and thus recyclable. This packaging also complies with the SUP legislation

We help teams engage with each other by wrapping the topic of social safety literally and figuratively in a chatterbox.

In 2023, we introduced the topic of social safety within the organization. We delved into the legislation surrounding this matter, and by employing the appropriate certifications, we ensured transparency throughout the supply chain.

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As a result of the SUP legislation, customers in our Paardekooper Stores need clear in-store signage alerting them to plastic-free packaging



Law on diversity quotas and targets


Waste management fee



Speak out!


Certification overview

For the certificates,
visit the Paardekooper website

To make our assortment more sustainable,
we work with the following sustainability, packaging, and environmental quality certifications.


new partnerships

Besides these existing partnerships, Paardekooper
also entered into two new partnerships in 2023:

our partners

We cannot make our chains more sustainable on our own. For that reason, we are working with various parties to initiate further sustainability efforts. We partnered with NL Schoon,part of Verpact, and proactively engaged with various media. We continued our partnership with Stichting Jarige Job and our colleagues were able to suggest charities from which three winners were drawn. Over the past year, Paardekooper has worked with several partners:


Social safety:
This is how we work at Paardekooper

Lyanne Paardekooper

‘The packaging industry must take responsibility and take action to reduce waste and environmental impact. We are committed to mobilizing our sector.’








Sustainability embedded in the strategic roadmap


Legislation relating to sustainability and packaging is continuously evolving. We involve our customers by proactively informing them of key developments. In 2023, the following legislation took centre stage.

Royal Dutch Paardekooper Group is a family business. We share the same ambition and attach great importance to our values. As part of the family business, we want our colleagues to feel safe and secure.

Responsibility for sustainability is established at various levels in our organization.
At board level, Lyanne Paardekooper, as CMO and family representative, is responsible for sustainability. Sustainability is embedded in the organization's strategic roadmap and Lyanne monitors its implementation
