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The provision of a safe and enjoyable working environment for our employees is a firm basis for ensuring sustainable employability. We have prevention officers at a variety of locations. They play an important role in ensuring the sustainable employability of our employees by supporting Paardekooper in its compliance with the health and safety regulations, for example.
Safety in the workplace
Equal pay for work of equal value
Analysis shows that Royal Dutch Paardekooper Group makes no pay distinction in terms of gender, race, orientation, political preference, part-time or full-time employment, age or permanent and/or fixed-term contracts. The only distinction we make is based on knowledge, skills, experience and performance.
We place a high value on an inclusive working environment in which all (future) employees reach their full potential regardless of their age, faith, gender, sexual orientation or (cultural) origins. Improving diversity and inclusion calls for more than fine words. This is why we are working behind the scenes to produce a policy in this area. A work scheduled for 2023.
Employee diversity/inclusion
Employees with vitality
Join your colleagues and take part in a Viking Run, the after-work boot camps or cycling. Our PK Fans arrange health and fitness activities the whole year round.
During recruitment and selection, HR makes no distinction between gender, race, orientation, political preference and/or age. The best candidate is always chosen in terms of knowledge, skills and experience. Where 2 candidates are equal on paper, we look at which candidate best complements the team.
Gender distinction
To keep our working environment and conditions attractive to young employees, we held brainstorming sessions with the young talent across all our locations in 2022. As part of the Young Horses project, we spoke to 60 of the 200 employees under the age of 35. The brainstorming sessions covered the themes that are important to young people. The sessions revealed that it is important to have a good idea about salary growth and promotion opportunities. The younger generation also places importance on flexible working conditions, such as work hours and location. They are keen to make healthy, sustainable choices and consider it important to have a healthy canteen and to keep their vitality. Our HR department went to work on these results immediately and a number of the ideas were put in place in early 2023.


2021 / 2022
* Employee number excludes workers on-call
or at our sleeve factory
Number of employees*
2021/ 2022
Number of women
2021 / 2022

Charity campaign

Every year our employees nominate a charity to qualify for a donation of €1000. Ultimately, a donation is made to five nominees. In 2022 these were:
We help create positive social impact through the active pursuit of good and fair working conditions across the supply chain and support for local initiatives, including those in the areas of diversity and inclusiveness.
Rick Douven
‘As Product Manager Horti Packaging I am aware of the enormous quantities of raw materials that go into the production of sleeves, buckets, films and boxes, day after day. It is my goal to create and introduce more sustainable alternatives for all my products while retaining the functionality and quality of the packaging.’
'Sustainability is a winner for all: our environment, our customers and the generations to come. I get to play a part in this by engaging customers with our sustainable packaging solutions, and that gives me a positive energy!’
‘Sustainability is the aim of taking a step together in the right direction. By working to the same ends with the customer and producer, we are managing to make progress.’
Maarten Berteler
‘I see sustainability as a choice, and one with a lot of impact.’
Evelien Deuring
‘There is room at Paardekooper to develop all kinds of initiatives around sustainability. Something that held firm, even through the turbulence of the last year. Paardekooper takes a sustainable approach to its personnel: people are important, they are listened to, and they are considered as the organisation's capital.’
Randy Carrion
‘Sustainability is about being aware of how we are affecting the future, sharing social responsibility in the world of packaging.’
Sustainability ambassadors
Sustainability is a group effort.
Meet our ambassadors.
We encourage talent and healthy
sustainable choices.

the fan energy
the employer
the work
the job
as a whole
Our colleagues see these as the three most important themes for our organisation to consider.



Our people are what make us unique

Employee satisfaction
Our work is a
people business
CartoPaper aardappelverpakking Tuinderij Waog




In 2022, our PK fans initiated 15 sports events
(padel, boot camp, skating, harbour run)
Our people are what make Paardekooper the unique business it is. Engaged, experienced go-getters and experts, with courage and passion. We look out for each other and look after each other. This gives our colleagues the opportunity to develop. We invest in talent.
We continue to build on our family business together. We aim for sustainable economic growth by actively pursuing fair and honest working conditions across the chain. This is done by improving the supply chain with our suppliers. We also support local initiatives that fit in well with our sustainability policy.